What would the #IndieCruise Mastermind event be without activities to help everyone center their minds and pursue their highest intentions for success in the New Year? What would our #IndieCruise be like without activities like belly dancing and yoga? Luckily, we will never know because we are fortunate enough to have Kim Jones of Urban Tranquility in White Plains, New York, to help us employ the arts of belly dancing and yoga to enhance our #IndieCruise Mastermind 2015 experience.
Kim makes handmade aromatherapy products, and also teaches yoga and belly dancing, activities that we all know promote relaxation and inner peace. We expect to enjoy some pretty hard Masterminding on #IndieCruise, so we will certainly need to take time out for mindfulness and to set our specific intentions as we move through the week. Kim will help us do that.
Our #IndieCruise'rs will enjoy taking a break from the intense business focus to awaken their spiritual senses to create a hedge of relaxation and inner peace around each one. If you're already ready to climb aboard, then just click here to register NOW!
Meet Kim!
Learn more about Kim and her business at her website, and follow her on Twitter and Facebook.
Snorkeling and Sunshine
The best part? You'll do all of this while relaxing in crystal clear blue Caribbean waters.
Come snorkel and learn with us!
Kim and I are ready to roll out the red carpet for you.
Register for #IndieCruise NOW
Ready to uplevel your personal brand?
Of course you are!
Register for #IndieCruise at this link.
See you on board!