I am back from a glorious weekend in New York City where I debuted The Lifestyle CEO to an awesome group of new entrepreneurs. I covered a lot of ground, and while my slides don't tell the whole picture, they offer some insight into core principles for success as a small business owner.

Just so you know, a Lifestyle CEO is a person who owns a business, not just for financial reasons, but to enjoy the benefits of entrepreneurship, independence, flexibility and fun. Here is a quick overview of my presentation
- The Vision. For Lifestyle CEOs, the most important thing about entrepreneurship is knowing what kind of life you want to live. The main goal is to build a business around a happy and fulfilled life, so begin with the vision you have for your life, and build the business around that.
- The Mission. Once you map out the kind of life you want to lead, you can build a basic business platform around that. The central focus is to decide how you will use your business to support and fulfill the vision you have for your life?
- Get Busy! None of this matters unless you roll up your sleeves and get busy. Now that you have mapped out your life and your business foundation, what will you do to make things happen. The rubber meets the road here, so this is where we spent most of our time vision boarding and Masterminding for the rest of my session.
This was such a wonderful exercise for everyone. Not only did everyone get increased clarity on their life vision, but we all MasterMinded solutions and ideas to empower one another to translate the vision into a business mission that can take shape as the coming months and years unfold.
What can be better than that?
I want to take a moment to congratulate all of the SoapMasters — the speakers and the attendees — on a great event. Special thanks and kudos to the Grand SoapMaster, La Shonda Tyree, whose vision born earlier this year on #IndieCruise was beautifully executed and displayed.
I know this was just the beginning. Stay tuned because you'll be hearing more great things about SoapMasters.
1. What is your life vision?
2. Are you a Lifestyle CEO?
3. How do you build your business around your life vision?
Feel free to share a bit of your story in the comments below. I'd love to hear from you, and to celebrate the fulfillment of your vision and business.