This post is about the power of using your personal brand to represent, even embody, your marketing message. This presents a fantastic opportunity to leverage who you are personally for the benefit of your business. After all, while there are products on the market that are similar to yours, there is only one you. When you speak for your brand, you speak a language that is impossible to duplicate, and this translates into a powerful advantage for your business.

How to Personalize Your Personal Brand
On this week's Maker Mastermind Show, I was asked to share ideas to help you use your personal brand in ways that promote your products, without feeling awkward or uncomfortable.
Due to family travel circumstances, I was on a highway in a car for this episode, so the audio and picture are a little shaky. I hope you overlook that to benefit from the substance shared, which starts at about 5:00. Tune in and learn how to:
- Craft a business that maximizes the chances that your personal brand and story can be integrated naturally
- A simple way to categorize aspects of your life that allow you to quickly decide whether to share or not share
- How to anticipate rare situations when too much of your personal brand might actually get in the way of acquiring new business
Resource mentioned in this episode
- Samantha Dickey of Dirty Beauty in Georgia: Samantha uses the history of her family farm boost her brand message of growing and eating healthy foods, and using simple cosmetics with healthful ingredients.
Questions for discussion and sharing
After you watch the show, I’d love to hear from you in the comments below. Feel free to share as much detail as you can, especially if you have a question. I'd love to help further if needed. Plus, your unique story could be just the encouragement someone else needs to take the next confident step on their own entrepreneurial journey.
Thank you for watching, sharing, and participating in the Maker Mastermind community!
What do you think of the advice? What categories of information relevant to your life do feel comfortable (or not) sharing with your target audience? Do you agree that your personal brand is powerful leverage for your brand? Why or why not? Leave a comment below and let me know.
Featured Product and Winner
Our featured product this week is the Lime in Love with You Soy Candle by KleanSpa. It's a bright and juicy lime, married with fresh cucumber essence.
The lucky winner of a Lime in Love with You Soy Candle by KleanSpa is Amber Malcom of Duncan, Oklahoma. Amber was randomly selected as the winner from the people who asked questions live on the show.
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