Tyler Fulton's comment on last week's Quote Of The Week inspired this week's Quote Of The Week: “I Think I Can.” The quote is from “The Little Engine That Could,” by Watty Piper. In the story, a train must pass over a mountain. When all of the strong engines refuse to pull the train, a single small engine saves the day and succeeds in pulling the train over the mountain, all the while repeating: “I-think-I-can! I-think-I-can!”

The story reminds me of of David and Goliath, and of course, of you and me! Our companies are physically smaller than larger companies. But what we don't have in size, we make up for in strength, commitment, and tenacity — just like young David triumphing over the giant Goliath with just a sling and a stone. In fact, our size can be one of our greatest assets because it enables us to respond to market place changes faster and more efficiently than large companies. We can develop authentic, one-on-one relationships with our customers, drill deeply into a niche, and use social media to create engagement that big companies can only dream of.
Against all odds, the amazing little engine said to himself, “I-think-I-can, I-think-I-can.” To be successful, we must do the same.
Question: I plan to remember that this week. How about you?