Today, Darryl and I hosted our first Family Business Focus LIVE event! We took questions from other couple business owners, and would-be couple business owners, and shared tips to help you be successful in a family business of your own. (Update: sadly, there was only one episode, and we cannot find the recording now, so we are stuck with this fuzzy screenshot. But it really did happen and you can see the topics we discussed below.)

If you have specific questions or concerns, you can use the time stamps below to forward to what interests you the most.
Topics Covered In This Episode
00:00-02:00 — Welcome and introduction.
02:00-08:00 — Our story — how we started our family business
08:00-12:50 — Benefits of owning and managing a business with your spouse; structuring business around family instead of the other way around; enjoying quality and quantity time with our young children; parenting benefits from perspective of both parents; teaching children first-hand about entrepreneurship and the importance of technology in their lives; personal growth and development; leadership skills; confidence
12:50-16:30 — (Question from Lisa) — How we maintain focus; the importance of scheduling, communication, planning (long-term and short-term), setting attainable daily goals, maintaining lists and accountability; how we meet the challenge of working with kids underfoot
16:30-18:40 — The importance of accountability; handling personal challenges; integrating husband-wife issues and business issues
19:00-21:23 — How our family business has strengthened our marriage; working toward common family goals, business goals, educational goals, financial goals; how our family business helps us be better leaders; using your business to achieve more and create a family legacy
21:23-23:05 — The importance of MasterMinding with other couples in business; how relationships sustain you; the importance of consistent support systems; the “no excuses” mentality; burning the midnight oil (More about couple's MasterMinding in this 3-part video series.)
23:05-24:10 — (Question from Nikkie) How do you promote your business? The Media Is You — sign up here!
24:10-25:24 — The importance of creating vision boards to stay on track, set your focus and visualize your success! There's never enough positive reinforcement. What are you going to do with your 24 hours? Discussion of “indiecation.”
25:24-31:30 — (Question from Karen) How do you work with your spouse when your talents and skill sets are not complementary? Tips for finding combining your skill sets to create a successful business model; the importance of talking it through; be flexible; allow it to evolve; appreciate each other's unique work style. Keep your long-term goals at the forefront.
32:30-35:58 — More real stories from the trenches; allow your business to reflect and complement your business. How to share this video with your friends.
Thank you for watching and for allowing us to be of service to you. If the information we shared was helpful to you, please click the Twitter button at the top to share it on Twitter, click the “LIKE” button below to share it on FaceBook, or leave a comment int he comment section.
Question: Was this helpful to you? What questions do you have? What tips can you share? Should we do it again? Why or why not? How can we help you be successful in a business with your spouse in 2011?