At-home wellness is not just important in the middle of a pandemic. It's important always, and that's one reason IBN will soon publish Essential Self-Care: the Modern Woman's Guide to At-Home Beauty Rituals and Well-Being. But until that book is available (stay tuned!), we are encouraging our members to maintain wellness at home through our Indie Business Fit Club. Today, we'll be joined by Dawn Fitch to learn how to create a simple but effective personalized at-home wellness routine.

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About Dawn Fitch
Dawn Fitch is the founder of Pooka Pure and Simple, a handmade bath and body company. She received her B.A. in design from William Paterson University and worked for Sony Music for 6 years. After battling illness and feeling the need to adopt a healthier lifestyle, she began exploring holistic therapies and aromatherapy, and eventually, began making and selling her own products. The response was tremendous, and was born.
Learn more about Dawn's product line at Pooka Pure & Simple.
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Do you have a regular at-home wellness ritual? Do share any tips and ideas you have below. We'd love to learn from you! You can also share on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.