Through the years, I've blogged a lot about how Indies can use no-cost social media tools as their Number One Media Outlet. I have been told that my posts have helped many people expand their sphere of influence and increase business opportunities. If you're new here, you may have missed some of them so I thought I'd share some of them today. Here is some of my best Twitter advice from 2009 and 2010:
How To Use Follow Friday For Maximum Twitter Influence [Video]. This post will help you make the absolute most of each and every 140 characters you share with your followers. Every single one counts! Respect the Tweet, and the people who sign up to get it.
4 Ways Your Email Newsletter Can Drive Traffic to Your Blog, FaceBook and Twitter Pages. Not just about Twitter, but how to use other tools to increase value you deliver on Twitter.
Why Twitter Is Not A Waste Of Time For Small Business Owners, In 29 Words. A thought provoking post about Twitter, life and relationships.
Top 10 Ways For Small Business Owners To Use Twitter Lists. In many ways, Twitter lists are more valuable that followers. This post discusses why that is, and helps you make the most of them — as a lister and a listee!
10 Actions To Increase Your Twitter Influence. The more influence you have, the more business you have. Use Twitter to help generate more of both.
Twitter Is Icing, Not Cake. As important as Twitter is, it's still icing on the cake of something far more significant.
How To Make Useful Twitter Connections. Don't just wander aimlessly around Twitter. Be intentional and you'll see more results.
I think that's a good start. I hope you find these posts helpful.
PS: This post was inspired in part by Chris Brogan, who shared some of his best Twitter advice yesterday at this link.
Question: What do you think? Can you share some of your best Twitter tips and posts?