As I prepare for 2012 and for #IndieCruise MasterMind 2012: Create The Life You Love, I am adjusting my cruise calendar so I can invest significant one-on-one with each of my fellow cruisers. Since we'll paused and unplugged for most of the 5-day event, I anticipate a rich experience with all in attendance. This morning, I heard a story on the radio that made me even more excited about the time I will invest in myself and others as we cruise from Miami to Jamaica, and then to Grand Cayman.
The story is about the newly re-elected Mayor Frank Deese* of Marshville, NC, located a few miles up the road from my home in South Charlotte. Mayor Deese served 10 years in jail for armed robbery. Today, he's the respected Mayor of a small town. I learned this morning that Mayor Deese lives by the F-A-C-E acronym. I thought it was good enough to share with you.
- F-ace. Always put on your A+ face.
- A-ttitude. Start each day with a positive attitude, and maintain it in all you do.
- C-hoices. Make the best choices you possibly can, not just day-by-day, but moment-by-moment. These infinitesimal snippets of time, and what you choose to do in them, define your life.
- E-motions. Keep them in check. Depending on the situation, they are an enemy or a friend. Learn to know the difference for yourself so you can leverage emotion to your benefit.
Mayor Deese reminds us that the physical prison he was in for a decade is nothing compared to the physical prison some people are in every day. The Mayor mentioned prisons of alcoholism, depression, drug abuse and more. He said that his physical imprisonment gave him a chance to free his mind. Today, he's serving a small community of 1,400 residents and is working on his motivational book. I'm not entirely sure if I have defined each word in the acronym the way Mayor Deese would, as the story only shared the first letter — F. But after hearing a bit of his story, I think I'm probably pretty close.
Is Your Game F-A-C-E Ready For 2012?
So many women are in a type of business prison — a prison where big ideas dance around in their heads, but never translate into tangible products and services that others want to buy.
They are smart people, innovative people, motivated people, excited people — yet the needle just doesn't want to move. It's not that they're doing anything wrong. It's that they are not doing all of the right things in combination and with the consistency that moves the ship forward. We'll address this (in spaded) on the cruise.
I believe Mayor Deese's F-A-C-E acronym, along with the concepts I will share during our #IndieCruise MasterMind sessions, will help propel everyone in attendance (myself included) into a whole new dimension for the New Year.
You can read it for yourself here.
And if your Game F-A-C-E is ready, or you need some help getting it ready, register now to join us on #IndieCruise MasterMind 2012 Theme: Create The Life You Love.
Question: So, is your Game F-A-C-E ready?
*Photo Credit: Elayne at Down Ticket Dems