Masker Mastermind Live: Boston was inspiring and amazing! Attendees from Pennsylvania, New Hampshire, Connecticut, New York, Kansas, Maine and Rhode Island gathered for two days of Masterminding, goal setting, business planning, Maker shopping, and fun. For those who don't know, I host Maker Mastermind Live in multiple cities annually to help Makers and Handmade Entrepreneurs STOP MAKING STUFF and START MAKING MONEY.
In Boston this past weekend, all attendees had specific personal priorities and goals, which were declared at the start of our Day 1. This gave everyone the ability to be intentional and clear about their goals for attending Maker Mastermind. It also gave me an opportunity to direct our discussions in a way that ensured that everyone got what they needed from the event.
After we clarified our goals, I shared an overview of the Indie Method, my signature 4-phase approach to entrepreneurship, so everyone could clearly see what phase of entrepreneurship they are currently in: Emerge, Engage, Evolve or Expand. Using the Indie Method as road map, we got down to business.
In the afternoon of Day 1, we enjoyed a field trip to Renegade Craft Fair in Boston, hosted at the Cyclorama in the Boston Center For the Arts. We got in some retail therapy and enjoyed being inspired by how other Makers sell their wares.
The entirety of Day 2 was devoted exclusively to masterminding, hot seat coaching, and everyone got some one-on-one coaching with me. The most popular issues we strategized on and developed plans for included: social media marketing, scouting out potential investors, the pros and cons of hiring people to help make products, streamlining product lines, hosting live events, clarifying brand stories, and long-term business planning.
Heather Lux, True North Beauty
Here is a little of the praise received after Maker Mastermind: Boston:
A Few Pictures
I thought you might like to see a few more pictures. Click the images to make them bigger.
Coming Soon: Maker Mastermind Live: Nashville
Based on feedback we have received from our attendees, we are adding some new elements to Maker Mastermind Live. I'll have an announcement about that soon. Meanwhile, you can see where we are going next, and even submit a request to bring Maker Mastermind Live to your town, at this link!
See you at Maker Mastermind in your town!
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