Today, I'm pleased to share that the Indie Business Network is featured in the “Shop Talk” section of The Charlotte Observer. Along with me, our members Curtis Durham of Bath Nation and Jennifer Devlin of Celtic Complexion and their products are also featured. My favorite thing about this article is that the journalist chose to focus on this: “When it comes to building a business, some entrepreneurs mistake success with size, assuming that bigger means better.”
As I've said before, size alone is not the measure of small business success, and you can go big without growing big. So many of our members prove this out. In fact, it was my 6 Keys To Going Big Without Growing Big article that attracted the newspaper staff to what we do here at the Indie Business Network.
You can see an online version of the story here, and enjoy a photographic slide show Jennifer's and Curtis' products here, along with product photos and links to their website, plus additional members: Lela Barker of Bella Luccè, Maggie Hanus of A Wild Soap Bar, Carrie and Darren Seibert of Simply 7 Skincare, and Dawn Fitch of Pooka Pure and Simple.
The Charlotte Observer is an award winning newspaper serving the the greater Charlotte, North Carolina, region — the 23rd largest metropolitan area in the country. The paper has a daily circulation of around 205,000 and Sunday circulation of around 260,000 reaching throughout the Carolinas, so we know how precious its resources are. We are honored to be considered worthy of the space.
Visit our featured member sites!
Simply 7 Skincare
Celtic Complexion
Pooka Pure and Simple
Bella Luccè
A Wild Soap Bar
Bath Nation
I hope you will celebrate with us.
Best and success!
Do you appreciate going big without growing big? Do you intend to do this in your business? It's great to have options, isn't it?