Tips For Hosting Virtual Events, With Leesa Barnes (Audio Podcast)
Donna Maria interviews author and virtual event planner Leesa Barnes on tips for hosting and attending virtual events.
Donna Maria interviews author and virtual event planner Leesa Barnes on tips for hosting and attending virtual events.
Today was one of the rare days where I preempted my radio show so I could capitalize on a difference kind of opportunity. I spoke on leadership at the 2010 Social Media Telesummit, hosted by Leesa Barnes. This was a virtual event featuring some of the leading names in social media. I enjoyed sharing with…
Last year, I met Leesa Barnes, author of Podcasting for Profit. Leesa graciously accepted my invitation to be a guest on my radio show, and you can stream or download the interview with here. (Jamila White hosted that show for me while I was away speaking at a conference.) While I hope to meet Leesa…
A Social Butterfly North of the Border Earlier this year, I had a fantastic lady on Indie Business Radio. That's not terribly unusual of course, but this lady is a real dynamo. Unfortunately for me, I had to be out of town to speak at a conference on the day she was booked as my…