Are you telling your brand story? Sure, some storytelling happens by default. You have to have an About page at your website, so people can read about your story there. If you do a trade show, you can tell your story in person. But those are static events. To truly solidify your brand in the mind of your target customers, and to stand out in a noisy world where everyone competes for attention, you've go to go the extra mile. And few things say “extra mile” like a video … especially a professionally produced video like this one from our member over at Scrubz Body Scrubs in Bethpage, New York.
Notice how there are several stories within the story: the story of family business, the story of the “why” behind the product, the story of how the brand name came into existence, the story of the enthusiasm the sisters have about serving their customers, the story of the area where the products are made, the story of how the retail store looks.
That story cannot be fully told with text only at an About page.
Telling your brand story through video makes everything come alive. It's vital, fresh, colordul and evolving, just like your brand. People are far more likely to share a video story than they are to share a text story, so your message will reach far more people with video than with text alone.
Well done Roberta and Michelle at Scrubz Body!
We are thrilled to serve you here at the Indie Business Network … speaking of which …
What Roberta Says About IBN
We are thrilled to share that IBN is a part of the Scrubz Body story – what an honor! Here is what Roberta says about her IBN membership.
“I cannot even imagine where my business would be without IBN, Donna Maria, or the incredible group of makers, etc., the mentors and leads. One of the best business decisions I ever made. The group is worth so much more than the price of admission. Join us!”
(We'd love to serve you too! See what other members say here.)