Join us as we celebrate 24 years of serving entrepreneurs and small business owners nationwide here at the Indie Business Network!
We have watched tens of thousands of new businesses grow and thrive over the years. What a gift it has been to coach and mentor so many of our members turn a flicker of an idea into firestorm of unstoppable freight trains of impact all across America. Many of our Indies who began their entrepreneurial journeys in tiny kitchens, garages and back rooms have come such a long way. They've gotten their products into retail stores, sold their wares at markets and shows, been featured on national television shows, hosted branded events, built loyal communities, opened brick and mortar venues, expanded their brands and/or created multiple income streams.
We’ve been fortunate to have a front row seat to so many transformations, and after 24 years, we are still just beginning. We are already hard at work on exciting new member benefits and events for the coming year—and even more for 2025’s Big 25th! (25 in ’25—wow!)

Social media and web analytics call those who have been along for the ride “visitors” and “followers.” But at Indie Business Network, we know one thing—you are all LEADERS—and we are so proud of all of you who’ve trusted us, and your fellow members, to kindle your entrepreneurial spirit over the years. This momentous anniversary is for all of you!
A few of the moments we’re proud of from over the years:
- Our Robin's Roses Entrepreneurial Scholarship Program which provides a year of membership and personalized business coaching in the Indie Business Network, plus personalized mentoring with our founder, Donna Maria
- Thousands of blog posts sharing the success and offerings of our members: inspiring couplepreneurs, ambitious and hard working independent farms and farmers, candles and home decor for every occasion (including summer, fall and winter), holiday fun, holiday toys and games, men's grooming products, Black American artisans, hair care products, skincare products, fitness body care and more
- Hundreds of episodes (338 to date so far to be exact!) of the Indie Business Podcast to inform, educate and entertain you — many of them featuring the motivation stories of our members
- Indie Business Book Club, where we've read hundreds of books so we can remain on the cutting edge of ourselves as effective leaders of ourselves so we can continue to effectively lead our businesses
So happy 24th Anniversary of the Indie Business Network to you all! We are excited to serve you for many, many more!
Check out some of our favorite moments over the years:
About the Indie Business Network: The Indie Business Network is an entrepreneurial mentoring and training company helping helping small business owners achieve the Ultimate Trifecta: a joyful life, a profitable business and a meaningful legacy. IBN provides online and virtual business training and group coaching designed to help them launch, grow and lead a business that truly complements their lives. You can find out more here.