"Don't Let Anybody Paint You Into A Corner," Says Dr. Paula Newsome

This afternoon, I attended the Annual Pride Entrepreneur Education Program (PEEP) Luncheon. PEEP is a non-profit organization devoted to eliminating socio-economic disparities in the African American community by promoting education, financial literacy, attainment of technical skills and entrepreneurship. This video, produced by my company and presented during the luncheon, features the inspirational story of Dr.…

What's Your Side Hustle?

Remember the air traffic controllers strike of the 1980’s? Then President Reagan ordered the striking workers back to work under threat of termination. Those who didn’t return to work were fired. Those who did are now headed for handsome retirement packages. Their replacements earn 70% of the outgoing workers’ salary, yet they work harder and…

Family First

Family First. Sounds good, but what does it mean? It’s tempting to define it according to the amount of time spent with your family compared to time spent leading your business. As Indies, there is always overlap, and since no two families or businesses are alike, there is no way to define for everyone what…