Season 3, Episode 8: Makers on Main Street with Roberta Perry [Podcast]

Welcome to Season 3, Episode 8 of the Indie Business Podcast! In this eighth episode of my Makers on Main Street series, you’ll meet Roberta Perry of Scrubz Natural Skincare in Farmingdale, New York. (NOTE: This written article has been updated to reflect the relocation of the retail store to a new city. The audio…

#HandmadeChat #37: Opening a Retail Store, Non-Profit Collaborations, Social Media Promotions

On Thursday evenings from 8 to 9pm ET, IBN hosts #HandmadeChat, a Twitter talk show to help handmade and creative entrepreneurs sell more products, have more fun, and be more successful personally and professionally. While the show is aimed mainly at business owners who make and sell handmade consumer products, the topics and discussions can…