Radio Show and Book Review: My Interview With Michael McLaughlin

This week’s Indie Business Radio, show features Michael McLaughlin, author of Winning the Professional Services Sale: Unconventional Strategies to Reach More Clients, Land Profitable Work, and Maintain Your Sanity. Michael is a management consultant and speaker with more than twenty years in the professional services industry. He is the founder and a principle of MindShare…

3 Steps To "Yes!"

A salesman once told me that he had to get through an average of 11 “no” responses before he got to one “yes.” He defined “no” responses as more than just the word. Also included, he said, are things like body language (excessive fidgeting, arms folded across chest, furled brows, etc.) and being easily distracted…

Radio Show from June 2, 2008

– Title: How to Expand Your Business By Selling What You Know– Description: Robert Skrob, co-author of "The Official Get Rich Guide to Information Marketing" has made a business out of helping people market information. He’ll be on hand today to tell you how to use the expertise you’ve gathered over the years selling products…

Radio Show from May 26, 2008

– Title: Blow Up Your Business With Email Newsletters– Description: Kitara Wilson, the Writing Wonder Woman and author of "Captivating Content: Success Stories and Expert Advice on Using Ezines to Skyrocket Your Business" joins us to share ways you can use email newsletters to grow and expand your business.

Women’s Conferences Spur Sales

Indie Beauty Network member Jamila White is a busy woman these days. In addition to working on a lucrative e-commerce consulting project for the Smithsonian Institution, she serves several clients one-on-one and also runs j.blossom, a bath and body products company aimed at young girls. I caught up with Jamila yesterday at the Mocha Moms…