Welcome WordPress!!
Hello WordPress!
Moving from Typepad to WordPress!
Donna Maria shares her 45-minute “The Media Is You” presentation, including live video recording, audio Q&A and chat stream.
Donna Maria announces The Media Is You! live video webcast training designed to teach Indie Business owners how to use branded social media tools to create relationships and expand their sphere of influence.
Donna Maria announces that, on January 23, 2009, all of the content at Indie Business Blog will be exported to a WordPress hosted platform.
Donna Maria shares the edited version of Lisa Stewart’s guest appearance on Indie Shopping.TV.
Donna Maria shares her Twitter conversations for the day.
Donna Maria shares her 2009 small business predictions.
Donna Maria interviews Michelle O’Shaughnessy, author of “Nourish Your Skin & Body with Traditional Chinese Medicine” about how Indies can use use traditional Chinese techniques to take better care of themselves and their businesses.
Donna Maria shares her recipe for Redemption Chili, the perfect homemead meal for a busy work-at-home mom.
Donna Maria announces media training for Indie Business owners.
Donna Maria is excited to be in miSPA’s blog, and shares miSPA’s contest to name a new line of skincare products.
Donna Maria asks readers to share honest feedback about a newly designed Wordpress blog layout.
Donna Maria shares her fitness goals and invites readers to join her on the journey to becoming a Fit Indie.
Donna Maria shares video highlights from Indies In The City: Columbia, SC.
– Title: Boost Your Business With Podcasting– Description: Actor, podcaster and all-around fun and interesting guy Tee Morris, co-author of "Poscasting For Dummies," joins me to discuss how to use podcasting to have fun, boost your business and promote your passion! – Audio Link
– Title: Podcasting For Profit– Description: Leesa Barnes, author "Podcasting For Profit," will join E-Commerce DivaJamila White (sitting in for dM) to share how a podcast can help your business grow.
Donna Maria provides cutting edge feedback on newbie Diana Cyrill’s Shea Bath Blog.
It’s been 5 days since I started Indies For The Cure, and it’s getting embarrassing. I know the Surgeon General recommends at least 30 minutes of physical activity a day for optimum weight management. I also know there are studies showing that that’s the equivalent of taking about 10,000 steps each day. When I started…
Two decades ago, my mother-in-law succumbed to breast cancer. While I never knew her well, I had a few precious opportunities to talk with her briefly in my youth. In hindsight of course, not nearly enough. This month, I am wearing a pedometer. In November, in…
Last month, I traveled to my hometown of Washington, DC for a family reunion on my father’s side. These folks were brave enough to pose for a picture. My Cousin Bridgette (also an acclaimed opera singer who has performed with Placido Domingo), didn’t waste time once she decided to get the family together. She just…