Flowers And Fusion

East Meets West In Wedding Design Business When Dorothy (“Dot” for short) was a child, she and her sisters desperately wanted a video game console. Rather than buy one for her children, Dot’s mother gave them some glue, paper and cardboard and told them to make their own video game. The sisters spent hours assembling…

Making A Giving

Smart Philanthropy For Indie Business Owners As Indies, we like the idea of aligning our business with charitable causes that help those in need. As people, we enjoy helping others. As business owners, we enjoy the tax deduction.            But how can we be sure that our donations really get to those…

New Year's Resolutions

Have Yours Fizzled or Sizzled? It’s the last day of the first month of 2008. Have your new year’s resolutions fizzled or sizzled? Let’s admit it, we Indie Business owners can easily set ourselves up by making resolutions that are a little unrealistic. And while hope may spring eternal, the reality is that specific goals…

Repeat After Me …

Put The Needle On The Record When I was an attorney representing the business interests of a Fortune 500 company many years ago, my colleagues and I quickly figured out which arguments swayed the regulators to our side and which ones didn’t. As we preapred for a trial or hearing, we knew that, while we…

Show Me The Milk!!

Is Your Website Like Cereal Without Milk, Dry, Tough and Boring? Have you ever tried eating cereal without milk? I’m not talking about the bite-sized treats that toddlers eat. I’m talking about real cereal, like granola and shredded wheat. You at least need some water or juice to help wash it down. Websites are no…

I Knew Me When …

My Grand Plan … Yeah, Right! It’s been nearly 13 years since I left the full-time practice of law to implement my grand plan to make a living manufacturing soap and other fragrant products at Maria Grace. I had no PR experience at the time, but instinctively, I knew that I needed to get the…

Make Technology Your Slave

… And Do It Now, Before It’s Too Late Yesterday, Netflix announced an agreement with LG Electronics to deliver movies directly to your high definition television set, bypassing the need to use a personal computer. This announcement is not surprising considering that it’s a smart use of technology that makes it easier for Netflix to…