Donna Maria is an entrepreneur mentor, the founder and CEO of the Indie Business Network, and the host of the Indie Business Podcast and the Indie Business Retreat. She has been recognized as one of the most trusted voices for Makers and Creative Entrepreneurs. Her coaching and consulting enterprise trains thousands of new and evolving entrepreneurs every day.

Happy Indie Business Day!

Life, liberty and the pursuit of Indie! I love living in America because of the opportunity I have been given to pursue the kind of lifestyle that works best for me, my husband and my children. It’s not the easiest lifestyle, and it comes with lots of changes and a certain amount of unpredictability. But…

Victoria Magazine Is Back!

For many years, I subscribed to Victoria Magazine. I loved it because the photography was beautiful and the editorial staff took a special interest in woman Indie Business owners. Each month, they featured the story of a woman in business and at the end of the year, invited readers to vote for their favorite. The…

My Brother Did It: So Can You

According to the National Institute of Mental Health, the World Health Organization reported that mental disorders comprise 4 of the top 5 sources of premature death and disability in 15 – 44 year olds in the Western world. Schizophrenia is one of the most devastating forms of mental illness. Of those who suffer, only a…

The Indie Business Way

Taken following my daughter’s pre-K graduation ceremony a few weeks ago (that’s her in the yellow dress), this photo captures the joy of life through the eyes and squeals of several 5-year old girls. Life can be difficult between this stage and adulthood. It can even have a way of stealing the kind of purity…

Bath By Chocolate

Chocolate is not just for eating. If you don't believe me, try Rendezvous' Chocolate Soap made with real chocolate. When it arrived in the mail, I had a hard time not biting into it. Rendezvous owners Erik and Karen Burgess are a husband and wife team who are raising two kids while making all kinds…

Playing It Safe Can Be Fatal

Swimming with my 5-year old daughter today reminded me of the similarities between Indies and children learning how to swim. When learning to swim, kids need to rely on inner tubes, inflatable arm bands and swimwear with personal flotation devices built in. These "safety nets" empower new swimmers and encourage them to gain confidence in…

Romancing The Wi-Fi

As a full fledged Indie business owner, these days, I don’t choose a coffee shop based on the food and beverages it serves. I choose it based on the following cirteria: 1. Do they offer free Wi-Fi for customers?2. Do they have enough electrical outlets in the walls so I can compete with everyone else…

Family First

Family First. Sounds good, but what does it mean? It’s tempting to define it according to the amount of time spent with your family compared to time spent leading your business. As Indies, there is always overlap, and since no two families or businesses are alike, there is no way to define for everyone what…