The Media Is You: Virtual Word-Of-Mouth Marketing Training On January 12, 2011
Donna Maria announces “The Media Is You,” intensive, social media training for small and independent business owners.
Donna Maria announces “The Media Is You,” intensive, social media training for small and independent business owners.
Donna Maria interviews Gigi Stetler, one of the only female owners of RV distributorships in the nation, about overcoming adversity in pursuit of business success.
Donna Maria showcases products made by members of IBN.
Donna Maria and her son wish you holiday cheer!
Donna Maria shares commentary on the value of social promotions services to small and independent business owners.
Donna Maria and her family share a video test of INDIEgu, counting down to launch!
Donna Maria and author Garrett Miller offer tips on how to hire your first employee.
Donna Maria showcases products made by members of IBN.
Donna Maria shares preliminary thoughts about FaceBook’s new profile page layout, launching December 6, 2010.
Donna Maria shares Jamie Oliver’s wish for all American, especially children, to learn proper eating habits.
Donna Maria shares useful insights from the life and businesses of Earvin “Magic” Johnson.
Donna Maria shares insights from a CNNMoney interview with Paul Carr (TechCrunch) and Gary Vaynerchuk.
Donna Maria shares how she is introducing her children to social media, with tips and ideas for you to consider.
Donna Maria shines the #INDIECruise spotlight on Kayla Fioravanti of Essential Wholesale.
Donna Maria shares a tender reminder to maintain an attitude of gratitude, even in times of challenge.
I use my iPhone apps a lot to boost business productivity. But apps are good for more than business, and it’s great to know that, with technology, it doesn’t have to cost a lot of money to maximize your health. There’s plenty of help out there, much of it these days in the form of…
Donna Maria celebrates the blessings of life with you!
Donna Maria’s basic (and we mean basic!) tips for using a newsletter to increase sales.
Donna Maria shares some of her best FaceBook advice from 2010.
Donna Maria introduces INDIEgu Makers Debbie Chialtas (Soapylove), Charlene Sevier (The Bead Dreamer), and Alyssa Middleton (Vintage Body Spa).
Donna Maria summarizes a proposed amendment to a new food bill, and opines that a similar amendment is necessary for the proposed Safe Cosmetics Act of 2010.