Donna Maria is an entrepreneur mentor, the founder and CEO of the Indie Business Network, and the host of the Indie Business Podcast and the Indie Business Retreat. She has been recognized as one of the most trusted voices for Makers and Creative Entrepreneurs. Her coaching and consulting enterprise trains thousands of new and evolving entrepreneurs every day.
On Your Mark, Get Set, Go For It In 2008 Still sitting around waiting for the New Year get up and go spirit to hit you? Then wait no more! If you’re not fired up for 2008, you will be after enjoying this segment where together, we get ready, aim and fire at our business…
… And Do It Now, Before It’s Too Late Yesterday, Netflix announced an agreement with LG Electronics to deliver movies directly to your high definition television set, bypassing the need to use a personal computer. This announcement is not surprising considering that it’s a smart use of technology that makes it easier for Netflix to…
Each One Teach One I believe in the concept of "each one teach one." If we all commit to teaching at least one person what we know, we will improve ourselves, those we teach and the world. Since joining the blogosphere in 2005, I have learned a lot, and it gives me great pleasure to…
Church Start Up Has Same Challenges as For Profit Indies I know you want to get to the video, but please allow me to set it up for you with some interesting background. In the early 90’s when I was an employment attorney at a Fortune 500 company, a stranger knocked on my office door.…
An Indie Business Media Company Overview As we ring in the New Year, I am thankful to you for allowing me to reach out to you in person or through this blog or Indie Business Radio. It is a true privilege and one of the greatest joys of my life to serve you. There’s so…
The 10 Commitments of 2008 The "I Am Indie Business" Pledge empowers you by changing the paradigm through which you view the connections between family, home, wealth and business. They are the commitments that I and my family made that helped us reach our goal of successfully managing home and business, without compromising either. …
The Vault is an archive of my first podcasts so there is a record for you to enjoy. Welcome to the Vault Episode 90 featuring my interview with Jamila White, a pioneer of internet marketing and a return guest! As an e-commerce diva, she empowers entrepreneurs and small business owners to increase web sales and traffic…
People Jam: A Hip Social Networking Site A few days ago on Indie Business TV, I shared my advice that social network marketing is a smart, efficient and cost effective method of getting the word out about you and your business. So I just had to tell you about a new social site I joined…
Domain Name Offers Incomplete But Valuable Protection The United States Patent & Trademark Office reported that it examined a record 323,527 trademark applications in fiscal year 2007. Compare this to 2006, when it reported examining 275,790 applications, a 9% jump from 2005. But filing a trademark registration application can be expensive and time consuming. And…
Soon-To-Be Indies Poised To Cross The Ultimate Picket Line Last month, I shared my thoughts on the Hollywood writer's strike. The focus of the post was how we could all stand to turn off the television so we could devote more attention to using our businesses to build wealth instead of just dreaming about all…
Bring Something To The Party, Or Else In my Blogging For Business Tutorials, I make it clear that blogging can help Indie Business owners expand and grow their ventures by leaps and bounds. At a minimum, a relevant comment at a blog that links to your blog or site can result in new online traffic…
More Great Gifts For You Last Minute Shoppers Iam having a blast telling you about so many great products made by members of the Indie Beauty Network. Click on the arrow in the picture below to enjoy a look at some more great Indie finds! That travel pack from von Natur has…
It Depends On Who You Ask, But Count Me In! Like many people I’ve talked with, I once thought social network marketing was strictly for Generation Y’ers. You know, people born after 1981 with too much time on their hands or who just wanted to find their next date. I was wrong and this segment…
Today, I’m feeling the love from Wasabi Publicity! Wasabi is a PR firm that is chock full of some of the most creative people I know, including my friend and colleague Michelle Tennant. That’s why I was doubly excited when they asked l’il ole me to be a guest speaker at their November Wasabi Club…
They’re Only Pennies, But They’re My Pennies Bank of America is in trouble. And they’re trying to get me to help bail them out. You might be on their list too. So listen up. I do almost all of my business banking online with Bank of America. I check my account several times daily to…
If You Have A Passion, You Have A Business Yesterday, the business section of my local paper ran a story about a woman with disabilities who is perfectly capable and willing to work. She's been employed her entire adult life, but at only 54 years of age, is unable to find a job. …
Successful Indies Look In One Direction Only A New Testament Bible verse says that a double-minded person is unstable in all his ways. (James 1:8) That’s true, especially when it comes to business. Every day, I speak with Indies who love what they do. They want to make money and maybe even ditch a full-time…