My First Article on Small Biz
Donna Maria announces her first article published by Anita Campbell on Small Biz
DetailsDonna Maria announces her first article published by Anita Campbell on Small Biz
DetailsDonna Maria shares 9 simple (yes, really) things small business leaders can do regularly to be a positive influence on FaceBook.
DetailsDonna Maria introduces you to Kayla, IBN’s new Chief Community Officer.
DetailsDonna Maria introduces you to Jessie Scott, the new INDIE Events Coordinator!
DetailsDonna Maria shares ideas for how you can achieve kinder, gentler — and more productive — interaction with others.
DetailsDonna Maria shares an update on Capitol Hill meetings regarding HR 5786: The Safe Cosmetics Act of 2010.
DetailsDonna Maria shares some of the amazing handmade jewelry made by IBN member Charlene Sevier, aka “The Bead Dreamer.”
DetailsDonna Maria shares tips for pausing, unplugging, and taking a break from it all.
DetailsDonna Maria interviews author Jamie Turner, and uncovers a sensible, reasoned approach to social media.
DetailsDonna Maria interviews author and virtual event planner Leesa Barnes on tips for hosting and attending virtual events.
DetailsDonna Maria shares the fun had at a recent local Tweetup!
DetailsDonna Maria shares what she learned as a wife, mother and business leader, from opening an satellite office outside her home office.
DetailsDonna Maria interviews father-daughter team, and co-authors, Meagan and Larry Johnson on how to manage potential friction between different generations in your small business.
DetailsDonna Maria interviews author Jim DeBetta on tips to getting your invention to market.
DetailsDonna Maria spotlights #INDIECruise participants La Shonda Tyree, the “Handmade Soap Coach” and Dawn Fitch of Pooka Pure & Simple.