Failure Is Not Failure, Unless You Make It So

In When All Else Fails, Fail, I shared my thoughts on the importance of deliberately making things happen, even if you know they may not work out like you planned. I recommend this approach based on my belief that failure is not failure, unless you make it so. When you fail, you may not accomplish…


The Indie Business TV Set Is Nearly Done!

The Indie Business TV set is coming along. It’s not much to look at right now, but I just couldn’t wait to show you these cheerful yellow walls! Who wouldn’t want to be in here as much as possible? I plan to spruce things up so it’s a fun place for us to connect. Our…


Vault Episode #187: Melinda Emerson [Podcast]

The Vault is an archive of my first podcasts so there is a record for you to enjoy. Welcome to the Vault Episode 187 featuring my interview with Melinda Emerson. She is the author of the book, “Become Your Own Boss in 12 Months”. CEO of MFE Consulting LLC, author, speaker, and small business coach, Melinda…


Fun and Learning This Week @ Indie Business

Before I get to the fun things coming up this week, I want to share how fantastic I feel after nearly a month of concerted effort to up my fitness game. I have surpassed my goal of 10,000 steps a day. I even took over 18,000 steps on Friday! I am enjoying running, just as…


Going Out of Business Success Story: Blooming Lotus

Like many small business owners, wife and mother Jen Denslow didn’t know what to expect in 2000 when she launched Blooming Lotus, a natural cosmetics company in Kansas City. But she did know she had a passion for creating organic skin care designed with the health of humans, animals, and the planet in mind, and…


How Do You Handle Requests For Free Advice?

Yesterday’s FaceBook Fan Page Question of the Day yielded some interesting discussions on the topic of balancing giving free small business advice with the need to guard time and trade secrets. I noticed a few helpful themes in the discussion), so I thought I would share some of them with you. Of course all small…


How To Fit In Fitness, And Still Get Stuff Done

On March 1, the first day I wore a pedometer, I took under 1,000 steps. Since health experts say that at least 10,000 steps a day are required to maintain an active lifestyle (5,000 steps a day is “moderately active,” and more than 10,000 a day are required in order to lose weight), I knew…


What Do You Make People Feel?

People will not buy a product a second time if it doesn’t work the first time. But why do people buy a particular product in the first place? It’s hardly ever because the person they buy it from is the only source for it. It’s almost always because of the experience that comes along with…


Vault Episode #186: Rawn Shaw [Podcast]

The Vault is an archive of my first podcasts so there is a record for you to enjoy. Welcome to the Vault Episode 186 featuring my interview with Rawn Shaw, the author of “Social Networking for Business: Choosing the Right Platforms to Meet Your Needs.” With a wealth of experience in this field, Rawn is here…


Tips From the Trenches For Moms In Business

A few years ago, I met the only real, professional concert pianist I have ever known, Angela Jia Kim. Angela owns New York-based cosmetics company, Om Aroma. She also manages Savor The Success, a women’s networking group. While I’ve never met Angela in person, we communicate regularly as fellow mompreneurs. I am also one of…


Coming Up This Week @ Indie Business

This will be a fun week with lots of excitement, growth and learning. Before I get to that, I want to thank everyone who sent well wishes when I and my children were sick last week. As as I write this, I’m back from a 2.33-mile run on the treadmill (it’s raining outside), and I…
