The Best Credit Card

… Is No Credit Card A few weeks ago, in response to a reporter’s query, I suggested that the best credit card for Indie Business owners was no credit card. I explained why. I never heard from her again.            Presumably, her story ran without my input, but that’s OK becuase I…


IBTV Episode 20: Carol's Daughter Product Review

I first discovered Carol’s Daughter products when I spoke at a women’s conference in Pennsylvania in 1996. A woman had a booth filled to the brim with goodies made from exotic fragrance oils, herbs and colors taken from natural ingredients like alkanet root and calendula. The first one I tried was Mimosa Hair Honey. Of…


Vault Episode #94: Robin Ryan [Podcast]

The Vault is an archive of my first podcasts so there is a record for you to enjoy. Welcome to the Vault Episode 94 featuring my interview with Robin Ryan, a career expert with a passion for pushing you forward. Robin specializes in individual career counseling and emphasizes the importance of commitment to your success. She’s…


Repeat After Me …

Put The Needle On The Record When I was an attorney representing the business interests of a Fortune 500 company many years ago, my colleagues and I quickly figured out which arguments swayed the regulators to our side and which ones didn’t. As we preapred for a trial or hearing, we knew that, while we…


Vault Episode #93: Dawn Fitch [Podcast]

The Vault is an archive of my first podcasts so there is a record for you to enjoy. Welcome to the Vault Episode 93 featuring my interview with Dawn Fitch of Pooka Pure and Simple. From crafting products on her apartment stove to a Kearny, NJ showroom, and distribution across Whole Food markets and online…


Strange, Brave Black Man

He Had A Dream So We Could Have A Chance What did he see through that window, this strange, brave black man? Smooth southern sun kissed skin, a broad nose and full lips — all so hated throughout so much of history. Doesn't he know that one person can't change the world?        …


IBTV Episode 19: 4 Foundations of Meaningful Work

Work + Passion = Success There’s a lot of talk about "success" these days. In the business arena, I call it "Success Excess" because it seems as though most people inextricably link business success to financial excess. Consider the television shows which, though inspiring and entertaining, focus to a large extent on making millions, buying…


IBTV Episode 18: Soy Candle Product Reviews

Indie Beauty Network Member Candles Light Up The World With the increase in the popularity of candles over the past decade, the Indie Beauty Network has experienced an explosion in the number of members making and selling candles. A few members, namely Kandle Indulgence Company in Georgia and Essentials NW in Washington sent me some…


IBTV Episode 17: Saving Thousands With My Coupon Organizer

How to Organize Your Coupons For Maximum Savings Save for your kids’ college education? Sock away some more money for your advanced years? Take a vacation to Fiji? Learn to fly jets? I’m not sure I’ll be learning how to fly jets any time soon, but I do want to go to Fiji, and I’m…


Vault Episode #92: Gary Hart [Podcast]

The Vault is an archive of my first podcasts so there is a record for you to enjoy. Welcome to the Vault Episode 92 featuring my interview with with author Gary Hart. In this episode, we delve into the topic of seizing the moment and embracing new initiatives and opportunities to bring more fun and…


Show Me The Milk!!

Is Your Website Like Cereal Without Milk, Dry, Tough and Boring? Have you ever tried eating cereal without milk? I’m not talking about the bite-sized treats that toddlers eat. I’m talking about real cereal, like granola and shredded wheat. You at least need some water or juice to help wash it down.        …


I Knew Me When …

My Grand Plan … Yeah, Right! It’s been nearly 13 years since I left the full-time practice of law to implement my grand plan to make a living manufacturing soap and other fragrant products at Maria Grace. I had no PR experience at the time, but instinctively, I knew that I needed to get the…


IBTV Episode 16: Tyranny of the Urgent

How To Get Things Done It’s easy to set goals and make resolutions, but when real life happens, it’s amazing how quickly goals and resolutions become yesterday’s news. Even though I don’t accomplish every one of my goals, the process of setting them ensures that my life and my business continue to move in a…


Hillary's Tears: I Liked 'Em

She Cares And Is Not Afraid To Show It Yesterday, presidential candidate Hillary Clinton choked up at a press conference. In case you didn't see one of the billion replays of the event, you can see it here.     Tears Are Real When I lived in Washington, DC, two men who became known as…


Vault Episode #91: Kayla Fiorvanti [Podcast]

The Vault is an archive of my first podcasts so there is a record for you to enjoy. Welcome to the Vault Episode 91 featuring a special New Year’s episode and my interview with Kayla Fiorvanti. As we embark on a fresh year, this episode is dedicated to preparing, aiming, and firing away at your business goals.…
