Don’t Let DIY Become DYI in Your Small Business

I am sure you are familiar with the acronym, DIY, standing for “do-it-yourself.” But you are probably not familiar with the new acronym I just created, DYI, standing for “do-yourself-in.” One of the biggest mistakes you can make in business is to rely on the Internet to teach you everything you need to know to…


Episode 47: Andrea Hence Evans, Esq. of The Law Firm of Andrea Hence Evans, LLC [Podcast]

Welcome to Episode 47 of the Indie Business Podcast! In this episode, I’ll introduce you to Andrea Hence Evans, Esq. of The Law Firm of Andrea Hence Evans outside my fabulous hometown of Washington, DC. (Sorry for calling it episode 46 in the podcast recording.) As you’ll hear on this episode, as a former practicing…


Do These Things to Lead a Successful Facebook Group

Now that you know how a branded Facebook group can help your business grow, it’s time to learn how to lead a successful Facebook group, so it produces the results you want. Leading a successful Facebook group is not complicated, but it requires a good bit of thought. If you’ve ever been a part of…


How a Branded Facebook Group Can Help Your Business Grow

Did you know that managing branded Facebook groups can help you grow your business? You may have heard a lot about Facebook groups recently, especially since Facebook has forced business page managers to pay a fee to display more than a few of their posts to their fans. As a result of this “pay to…


Summer 2016 30-Day Blog Your Brand Challenge Starts Now!

It’s time for the Summer 2016 30-Day Blog Your Brand Challenge, and we start right now! This is the perfect time for a blogging challenge. It’s July, but we are moving steadily and quickly toward the fall season, and now is the time to attract people to your site for a look-see so you have…


Episode 46: How I Put the I-N-D-I-E in the Indie Business Network [Podcast]

Welcome to Episode 46 of the Indie Business Podcast! This episode marks a bit of a milestone: it’s the first ever in which I am not interviewing a guest. I am not changing the things permanently. I will continue to bring you the best inspirational stories of Makers around the nation, but I am changing…


How to be an Entrepreneurial Multiplier

One of the characteristics of a successful entrepreneur is that she is a relentless multiplier. The same can be said of any successful person really, but the ability to bring about multiple beneficial business outcomes as a result of a single action is a requirement for everyone who expects to lead a profitable and sustainable…


Episode 45: Christina Wennstrom: Soap Seas, Redondo Beach, California [Podcast]

Welcome to Episode 45 of the Indie Business Podcast! In this episode, I’ll introduce you to Christina Wennstrom of Soap Seas in Redondo Beach, California. Before we dive in, I want you to know that I recorded this episode at my mother’s dining room table on a day when her alarm malfunctioned and my children…


Episode 44: Khadija Dawn Carryl: Henna Sooq, Elkridge, Maryland [Podcast]

Welcome to Episode 44 of the Indie Business Podcast! In this episode, I’ll introduce you to Khadija Dawn Carryl of Henna Sooq, Elkridge, Maryland. Khadija launched Henna Sooq 11 years ago when she was the mother of four kids under the age of six. Today, her business has multiple income streams, and she credits a…


Episode 43: Jennifer Hardaway: KleanSpa, Burbank, California [Podcast]

Welcome to Episode 43 of the Indie Business Podcast! In this episode, I’ll introduce you to Jennifer Hardaway of KleanSpa in Burbank, California. As you’ll hear first-hand, Jennifer got the idea for her brand in December 2004 while driving down the street, just minding her business. By 2005, she was making and retailing sugar scrubs…


Memorial Day 2016

Along with you, today, I honor those who served! I have never lost a loved one to war, but I know that many of you have, or you have served with the fallen. As we relax, beach, and barbecue today, I join you in remembering those who gave the ultimate sacrifice so we could have…


Episode 42: Michelle Smith: MamaSuds, Goodrich, Michigan [Podcast]

Welcome to Episode 42 of the Indie Business Podcast! In this podcast episode, I introduce you to Michelle Smith of MamaSuds, Maker of natural cleaning products in Goodrich, Michigan. Michelle is a former middle school teacher who began making household cleaners for her family after she and her husband began their family. Encouraged by her…


Is Social Comparison Bias Sabotaging Your Small Business?

Wondering why you are not getting the results you think you deserve? By focusing on other people, you may be sabotaging your own success. It starts when you are young. Your brother gets a fancy birthday party, so you want a better fancy birthday party. Your sister got an expensive makeover for Christmas, and now…
