Avoid The Blogger’s Kiss Of Death

Bring Something To The Party, Or Else In my Blogging For Business Tutorials, I make it clear that blogging can help Indie Business owners expand and grow their ventures by leaps and bounds. At a minimum, a relevant comment at a blog that links to your blog or site can result in new online traffic…


Indie Business TV Episode 12: Holiday Product Reviews

More Great Gifts For You Last Minute Shoppers Iam having a blast telling you about so many great products made by members of the Indie Beauty Network. Click on the arrow in the picture below to enjoy a look at some more great Indie finds!        That travel pack from von Natur has…


Indie Business TV Episode 11: Is Social Networking A Waste Of Time?

It Depends On Who You Ask, But Count Me In! Like many people I’ve talked with, I once thought social network marketing was strictly for Generation Y’ers. You know, people born after 1981 with too much time on their hands or who just wanted to find their next date. I was wrong and this segment…


Wasabi Anyone?

Today, I’m feeling the love from Wasabi Publicity! Wasabi is a PR firm that is chock full of some of the most creative people I know, including my friend and colleague Michelle Tennant. That’s why I was doubly excited when they asked l’il ole me to be a guest speaker at their November Wasabi Club…


My Beef With Bank of America

They’re Only Pennies, But They’re My Pennies Bank of America is in trouble. And they’re trying to get me to help bail them out. You might be on their list too. So listen up. I do almost all of my business banking online with Bank of America. I check my account several times daily to…


Bring On The Indie Business Revolution!

If You Have A Passion, You Have A Business Yesterday, the business section of my local paper ran a story about a woman with disabilities who is perfectly capable and willing to work. She's been employed her entire adult life, but at only 54 years of age, is unable to find a job.     …


Double-Minded Dilemma

Successful Indies Look In One Direction Only A New Testament Bible verse says that a double-minded person is unstable in all his ways. (James 1:8) That’s true, especially when it comes to business. Every day, I speak with Indies who love what they do. They want to make money and maybe even ditch a full-time…


Fear It And Forget It

Don’t Let Camera Shyness Keep You From Your Dream Yesterday I posted my Indie Business TV interview with Karen Williams of Indie Beauty Network member Pockuts. Before the interview, Karen told me she was terrified of being in front of a camera that was capturing her every move. She was afraid that she would say…


Vault Episode #89: Fuschia Mcinerney [Podcast]

The Vault is an archive of my first podcasts so there is a record for you to enjoy. Welcome to the Vault Episode 89 featuring my interview with Fuschia Mcinerney, the owner of Pearse Street Marketing. Social networking has undergone a dramatic transformation over time, and today, social media networking plays a crucial role in growing…


IBTV Episode 10: It's Not Just About The Soap

When Soap Is More Than That There’s soap. And then there’s soap. The stuff in the big box stores cleans well enough I suppose, but why use that when you can treat your skin like you actually care. Indie Beauty Network members care about the products they make for you, and these soaps are top…


IBTV Episode 9: I Am Indie Business

Sharing The True Meaning Of Indie Everywhere I go, people want to know what "Indie" means. Sometimes they think I must be somehow associated with the professional racing circuit. Other times, they know that "indie" means "independent," but they want to know more. I created this segment to share the 5 concepts upon which Indie…


IBTV Episode 8: Pick A Pockut

Fashion And Function For Spa and Salon Professionals For Indie Beauty Network member Karen Williams of Pockuts, LLC, in Charlotte, North Carolina, most days are a flurry of activity. Afer seeing her children off to school and her husband to work, she usually rushes to her hair salon to tend to clients’ coifs. Most afternoons…


Vault Episode #88: Dr. Brad Smith [Podcast]

The Vault is an archive of my first podcasts so there is a record for you to enjoy. Welcome to the Vault Episode 88 featuring my interview with Dr. Brad Smith. In the pursuit of fulfillment and meaning, we all desire to lead a life that counts for something long after we leave this earth.…


IBTV Episode 7: Food For Face And Body

Food Is No Longer Just For Eating There was a time when pumpkins were only associated with pies and coconuts with a fancy desert at a Thai restaurant. But at the Indie Beauty Network, members are cooking up face and body goodies using delicious ingredients that are not just for tasting. I’ve got my hair…
