Vault Episode #105: Margie Zable Fisher [Podcast]

The Vault is an archive of my first podcasts so there is a record for you to enjoy. Welcome to the Vault Episode 105 featuring my interview with Margie Zable Fisher, the accomplished author of the “DIY PR Kit” and a contributing writer for Margie’s extensive experience shines through as she has empowered countless small…


The Focus Factor

Donna Maria encourages readers to focus their marketing efforts on a smaller number of products in order to maximize impact and profits.


Radio Show from April 21, 2008

– Title: Podcasting For Profit– Description:  Leesa Barnes, author "Podcasting For Profit," will join E-Commerce DivaJamila White (sitting in for dM) to share how a podcast can help your business grow.

Vault Episode #104: Leesa Barnes [Podcast]

The Vault is an archive of my first podcasts so there is a record for you to enjoy. Welcome to the Vault Episode 104 featuring our guest host Jamila White, the E-Commerce Diva, who you might remember from a previous episode! Our focus today is on “podcasting for profit.” As the world shrinks due to the…


In Honor of a King

Donna Maria shares a personal perspective on the 40th anniversary of the assissination of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and the riots that followed in her hometown of Washington, DC.


How to sell yourself

– Title: The Art of Blowing Your Horn– Description: Susan Harrow, author of "Sell Yourself Without Selling Your Soul" joins dM to talk about how to sell yourself without selling your soul.