What Do You Make People Feel?

People will not buy a product a second time if it doesn’t work the first time. But why do people buy a particular product in the first place? It’s hardly ever because the person they buy it from is the only source for it. It’s almost always because of the experience that comes along with…


Vault Episode #186: Rawn Shaw [Podcast]

The Vault is an archive of my first podcasts so there is a record for you to enjoy. Welcome to the Vault Episode 186 featuring my interview with Rawn Shaw, the author of “Social Networking for Business: Choosing the Right Platforms to Meet Your Needs.” With a wealth of experience in this field, Rawn is here…


Tips From the Trenches For Moms In Business

A few years ago, I met the only real, professional concert pianist I have ever known, Angela Jia Kim. Angela owns New York-based cosmetics company, Om Aroma. She also manages Savor The Success, a women’s networking group. While I’ve never met Angela in person, we communicate regularly as fellow mompreneurs. I am also one of…


Coming Up This Week @ Indie Business

This will be a fun week with lots of excitement, growth and learning. Before I get to that, I want to thank everyone who sent well wishes when I and my children were sick last week. As as I write this, I’m back from a 2.33-mile run on the treadmill (it’s raining outside), and I…


I'm the New "Mayor" of the YMCA!

Foursquare is a location-based social networking site that allows you to earn rewards for “checking in” at locations in your area. According to a recent post in the Social Media Examiner, FourSquare receives more than 1 million check-ins per week. I enjoy checking in at a variety of places including book stores and coffee shops,…


3 Tips For Getting Back on the Fitness Wagon After Illness

Earlier this month, my daughter was diagnosed with strep throat. Last Sunday afternoon, my throat began to scratch. Last Sunday night, my son started hacking. My husband and I gave each other that “this will be a fun parenting time” look, and entered the week. Despite the fact that we are all generally healthy, before…


The Bored and the Restless

I maintained the Lifestyle CEO blog from September 2005 to September 2006. I recently reviewed it for content I could share with you here. It’s interesting to look back and see where my head was 5 years into my business, now that I’m 10 years into it. I hope you are enjoying some of the…


The "Mommy Penalty"

I maintained the Lifestyle CEO blog from September 2005 to September 2006. I recently reviewed it for content I could share with you here. I was delighted to discover that nearly every post, including this one from September 29, 2005, is more relevant today in some ways than it was when I originally published it.…


I'm Speaking at the Soap Guild Conference!

One thing that sets a successful business apart from an unsuccessful one is the extent to which the leader of the business makes it a priority to connect with other like-minded business owners. When I launched my first business (which, in case you don’t know, was making and selling soap), the first thing I did…


Poo Chi: A New Way to Love Your Abs

When I am one of a billion recipients on an email message, I usually ignore it. But I’m glad I didn’t ignore this one. If you need a laugh (or another reminder of the importance of exercise), then you will enjoy this hilarious look at an enlightened way to love your abdomen. This video was…


Create the Life You Love

I maintained the Lifestyle CEO blog from September 2005 to September 2006. I recently reviewed it for content I could share with you here. This post, from September 27, 2005, was originally titled, “As the Crow Flies.” It makes me smile because Sheryl Crow eventually chose one of the options I mentioned, and then made…


Build Your Own Corporate Ladder

I maintained the Lifestyle CEO blog from September 2005 to September 2006. I recently reviewed it for content I could share with you here. This post, originally titled, “… And the Rich Just Get Richer,” is from September 26, 2005, and holds special meaning for me since I was once in-house counsel at a Fortune…


When All Else Fails, Fail

Failure is uncomfortable and embarrassing. But it is also empowering, if you allow it to be. For one thing, failure helps you empathize with others. This is good not only in personal relationships, but also in business ones. When you empathize with the failures and challenges of others, you are better equipped to enhance their…


Raw Foods Adventure #1: Avocado Grand (And Where is Imar Hutchins?)

There was once a restaurant on the Atlanta, Ga, campus of Morehouse College called “Delights of The Garden.” Originally owned and operated by Imar Hutchins and some of his college friends, the restaurant was a huge success. The founders eventually opened two locations in my hometown of Washington, DC, one on the Howard University campus…
