Little Hat, Big Cattle

Texas Indie Embodies The Indie Revolution If you want to describe someone who is all talk and no substance, you might say "big hat, little cattle." I guess if you describe someone as "big hat, big cattle," they are really walking their talk. But if you are "little hat (or lots of hats), big cattle,"…


Increase Your Sales With Email Newsletters

Last week, I spoke with an Indie who said that one of the things she learned on Indie Business Podcast is the importance of having an email newsletter. She emailed me to tell me that she got a sale just hours after sending out her first ever email newsletter. It was the first sale she’d had…


Writer's Strike Could Change Your Life

… For The Better It finally happened. Television writers across America did something about the fact that they are not fairly paid for their work. The result? They are on strike, and with them goes the writing that sustains late night television shows like Letterman and Leno, daytime soap operas and prime time sitcoms.  …


Vault Episode #84: Suzanne Phillips [Podcast]

The Vault is an archive of my first podcasts so there is a record for you to enjoy. Welcome to the Vault Episode 84 featuring my interview with Suzanne Phillips, the “Real Coupon Queen” as Donna Maria affectionately refers to her. In this episode, Suzanne shares her expertise on savvy couponing, teaching Indies how to save…


Where Is The Link Love?

C’mon. Link Out! Everyone has a pet peeve or two. You know, those pesky little things that happen every day. And even though you know they shouldn’t bug you, they somehow manage to drive you nuts anyway. Blogs are great places to vent about your pet peeves. So here goes. My pet peeve is online…


Fall: The Season Of Me

It’s Fall. Hibernate. Take Time For You. Recently, it occurred to me that the Indie Business Blog is all about business. That’s as it should be I suppose. However, for people who don’t know me personally, it may look like I eat, live, sleep and breathe nothing but business. Guilty. Sort of. Well, except when…


Craft Gossip

Check Out The Latest Indie Beauty Gossip I love gossip — craft gossip that is. But with two young’uns, a radio show and a growing business, there’s not much time for crafting (or gossip) unless it’s done with safety scissors and crayons. But I can live vicariously through Craft Gossip. Former Indie Beauty Network member…


Real Coupon Queen Cometh!

Real Coupon Queen To Appear On Indie Business Radio Would you like to get money through your computer? OK. I can do that. Your comments and requests for more Real Coupon Queen prevailed, so clear your calendar. That’s right. My neighbor, the shy but soon to be famous Real Coupon Queen has agreed to be…


Vault Episode #83: Mark Sanborn [Podcast]

The Vault is an archive of my first podcasts so there is a record for you to enjoy. Welcome to the Vault Episode 83 featuring my interview with Mark Sanborn, an international best-selling author and renowned authority on leadership, team-building, and customer service. In this episode, Mark enlightens us on how to use passion to…


The Coupon Queen

How Couponing Is Changing My Life For The Better Last night, a friend I’ll call "Jim" dubbed his wife the "Coupon Queen" because she saved $700 on groceries last year by clipping coupons. No offense, Jim, but your wife’s coronation is a fraud. My next door neighbor, a stay at home mom named Suzanne, is…


Master Card Business Essentials

Prepare Business Proposals That Close Deals A happy shout out to freelance writer and editor Matt Alderton who included my advice in a new article he wrote for the Masterd Card Business Essentials Library to help Indie Business owners prepare proposals that land new business.                          Matt…


Over 40 And Short On Finances?

AARP May Have Some Money For You! But time is short! The deadline to apply for the women’s scholarship is October 31. A big shout out to Indie Jamila White for the heads up!                    If you are over 40 and enrolled or will enroll in a school or…


Giving Without Breaking The Bank

Tips for Being a Cheerful Giver All Year Long It’s mid-October and the season of opportunitites to donate to various worthy causes is upon us. For most Indies, philanthropy is not seasonal. Instead, we give back in numerous ways, not all of them financial, all year long. I believe that how much we give is…


Vault Episode #82: Shannon Kilkenny [Podcast]

The Vault is an archive of my first podcasts so there is a record for you to enjoy. Welcome to the Vault Episode 82 featuring my interview with Shannon Kilkenny, the author of “The Complete Guide to Successful Event Planning”. In today’s digital age, the Internet has revolutionized networking and sharing common interests and concerns.…
