Summer Facial Mask

When I’m not working on all things Indie, I can sometimes be found using stuff in our fridge to make natural cosmetics. My daughter and I whipped up Summer Facial Mask with ingredients we had on hand and some green clay from Indie Beauty Network member From Nature With Love. It’s best for oily skin,…


Purely Enchanting: Combining Family & Business

The dictionary defines enchantment as a magical spell, and that’s what Debbie and Bill Brink of Pure Enchantment in Rocky River, Ohio cast on me when I finally met them in person at the Conference of Handcrafted Soapmakers earlier this month. (See more conference photos here.) The couple launched Pure Enchantment in 2003 after discovering…


I Love Picnik!

While I run my business almost entirely online, I am surprisingly awful with computers. I am particularly terrible at using traditional software programs like PhotoShop to edit and load clear, quality images to my websites and blog without pulling out all of my hair (or what’s left of it since I whacked it off earlier…


I Hope You Enjoy Memorial Day!

I am of two minds about celebrating Memorial Day because it is so difficult to see so many suffer for reasons that I do not personally embrace. Nevertheless, my Sweet Vanessa and I are having a fun afternoon at the neighborhood pool. God bless those who have served and are serving.


I Cut My Hair

I have always liked my hair. It’s a little on the frizzy side in this picture, but it was taken while I was moving last week. My hair is soft, naturally curly, grows quickly and is long enough to throw up a French braid or pony tail and be out the door in no time.…


Conference Photos!

Here are some pictures from the Conference of Handcrafted Soap Makers held earlier this month. As you can see, I was like the paparazzi flitting around from one Indie to another meeting, greeting and photo-opping. Will post more photos later. L. dM and Brenda Sievers of Oak Court Creations. Brenda sells soap, candle and cosmetic…


A Word To The Wordy

As a former full-time attorney, I have several dysfunctions. Apparently, one of them is using 50 words when I only need 28. I was delighted when Marcia Yudkin (pictured) responded to my request for tips on brevity by describing my writing as "strong but repetitive". She then published "Shorter: Say It In Fewer Words," 40…


From Sea To Shining Sea

Please join me in welcoming several Indies to the ever-expanding Indie Beauty Network family. It never ceases to amaze me what a blessing it is to connect so many like-minded people from across the nation. Stop by their websites to pick up your favorite Indie beauty treats, and while you’re there, let them know you…


jblossom Plants Positive Seeds For Little Girls

I love it when I see an Indie stretching to take full advantage of her God-given talents and gifts to have fun and make a living. When I think of all that my friend Jamila White is doing, I sometimes think she must be the first cloned human. Not only is she the "E-Commerce Diva"…


Vault Episode #69: Kelly Speewok [Podcast]

The Vault is an archive of my first podcasts so there is a record for you to enjoy. Welcome to the Vault Episode 69 featuring my interview with Kelly Speewok. As an expert in designing and planning personal spaces, Kelly’s mission is to minimize the intrusion of business into our personal lives. With her impressive background…


The Stores Less Traveled

I was in a Dilworth’s Coffee House expecting to get a plain old cup of coffee, but the first thing I saw was a display of Indie beauty products made by Moondance Soaps in Raleigh, North Carolina. Forget about the coffee! I want some soap! It started me to thinking about how so many great…


Where Is Your Office?

Until two days ago, my office was located in a corner of the master bedroom of the home we rented when we moved to North Carolina last September. Before that, I was used to a spacious home office between the family room and the powder room. I was totally spoiled. Since we moved into our…


Moving Day!

Hi Everyone!! That’s me in my "cool shades" taking a break from the hassle of moving day. My daughter is the photographer. You can see her in my lens! Yes! I said "moving day." That’s right. We’ve moved again. Last year, we moved from our hometown of Washington, DC to a town called Waxhaw, south…


Indie Friend In The Wall Street Journal

Congratulations to Indie Beauty Network member Renee Deal of Deal Farm Soap in Massachusetts! Renee and her business are featured in today’s Wall Street Journal’s Startup Journal. Renee is married with a 2-year old son. She makes her fabulous goat milk bath and body products in a basement factory located in her home. I gave…


There But For The Grace of God Goes Indie

I love doing business with other Indies. That's why I was so glad to find David at the Mail & More franchise location in my new hometown in suburban North Carolina. My office and home are co-located in a rural area and the post office is quite a distance away. Mail & More is two…
