Indie Business Radio Show from 6-8-2009
Show Title: Beyond Booked Solid! Michael Port, author of “Beyond Booked Solid” and other books, offers tips on thinking big and creating a successful business without reinventing the wheel.
DetailsShow Title: Beyond Booked Solid! Michael Port, author of “Beyond Booked Solid” and other books, offers tips on thinking big and creating a successful business without reinventing the wheel.
DetailsDonna Maria shares a few “excellence basics,” courtesy of the local elementary school.
DetailsTips to make Twitter perform better for your small business.
DetailsDonna Maria shares the importance of clarity and precision.
DetailsDonna Maria shares an unexpected inspirational moment.
DetailsDonna Maria encourages small business owners not rely heavily on credit.
DetailsTips to help jump start your fitness engine.
DetailsDonna Maria shares how blogging has enhanced her life personally and professionally.
DetailsDonna Maria shares all the ways you can stay in touch with her: blog, social networking site, Twitter, email newsletter, etc. Which one works best for you?