Vault Episode #97: Kerul Kassel [Podcast]

The Vault is an archive of my first podcasts so there is a record for you to enjoy. Welcome to the Vault Episode 97 featuring my interview with Kerul Kassel, the brilliant author behind “Stop Procrastinating Now: 5 Radical Procrastination Strategies to Set You Free.” As February draws to a close, many of us are reflecting…


How To Pursue Profit

To be truly successful in business means not being out solely for yourself, but helping others to be successful.


"I Won Best In Show!"

Danielle Flemming of Danielle and Company, winner of “Best In Show” at Extracts, talks about her winning product and how she enjoys being a small business owner.


Top 10 Reasons To Buy Indie

[Note: this post was slightly updated on February 22, 2010.] I am the founder and president of the Indie Beauty Network (IBN) so it will come as no surprise that I think my members make the best products in the world. Whether you want candles, sugar scrubs, perfumes, essential oils, lotions, jewelry, body oils, hair…


8 Ways To Get More Newsletter Subscribers

Connecting With More People Increases Your Bottom Line One question I get over and over again is how I got thousands of subscribers to my email newsletter. The answer is: I got to know my customers and consistently filled my newsletter with information they enjoy reading.            Lots of people ask me…


Vault Episode #96: Steven Little [Podcast]

The Vault is an archive of my first podcasts so there is a record for you to enjoy. Welcome to the Vault Episode 96 featuring my interview with Steven Little. Drawing inspiration from the concept of perfection often attributed to the number 7, our guest has authored “The 7 Irrefutable Rules of Small Business Growth.” While…


How To Give Away Free Stuff …

Without Breaking The Bank Thursday night’s group coaching sessions was incredible. While I’m told by everyone in attenance that it was an excellent investment of time, the best part is that everyone found a way to contribute something unique to the conversation. We were all uplifted and encouraged. This month, we’re launching and improving email…


The 1-2-3- Blog Post Method

3 Steps To A Basic Yet Solid Blog Post Blogging can enhance your business, but while it’s easy to consider blogging, it can be more work than it’s worth, especially if you don’t post regularly. There are millions of blogs in the blogosphere, but only a small fraction have fresh content added at least twice…


Happy Valentine's Day!

I have always loved roses. They smell fantastic and each one is so unique. The petals are soft and delicate. I guess it’s fitting that something so lovely should only last a few days.            I got some roses today and this makes me very happy. Whether or not you get roses,…


Make Your Email Newsletter Sparkle

3 Easy Steps: Teach, Inspire, Do Email newsletters are the most convenient, efficient and cost effective way to use technology to create, develop and enhance relationships with your customers around the globe. My Group Coaching session last night was filled with information on how to launch and maintain an email newsletter to grow your business.…


Alaskan Indie Takes On The Big Apple

Indie Beauty Network Member On The Big Idea Even though I don’t ascribe to the belief that making millions is the ultimate small business goal, I do enjoy The Big Idea With Donny Deutsch. I especially like it when my friends are on the show. A few weeks ago, my friend and fellow Mocha Mom…


Flowers And Fusion

East Meets West In Wedding Design Business When Dorothy (“Dot” for short) was a child, she and her sisters desperately wanted a video game console. Rather than buy one for her children, Dot’s mother gave them some glue, paper and cardboard and told them to make their own video game. The sisters spent hours assembling…


Vault Episode #95: Maggie Kennon [Podcast]

The Vault is an archive of my first podcasts so there is a record for you to enjoy. Welcome to the Vault Episode 95 featuring my interview with Maggie Kennon. Maggie’s website,, offers personalized 1-on-1 Giving Strategy sessions to help you create a powerful giving action plan and maximize your charitable impact. Inspired by a…


Making A Giving

Smart Philanthropy For Indie Business Owners As Indies, we like the idea of aligning our business with charitable causes that help those in need. As people, we enjoy helping others. As business owners, we enjoy the tax deduction.            But how can we be sure that our donations really get to those…
