Vault Episode #80: Lillian and Dave Brummet [Podcast]

The Vault is an archive of my first podcasts so there is a record for you to enjoy. Welcome to the Vault Episode 80 featuring my interview with Lillian and Dave Brummet, the authors of “Purple Snowflake Marketing”. As we all know, marketing yourself and your business is of utmost importance. Donna Maria believes that a…


The UpSide Of Frustration

Has technology ever disappointed you? Last week, my email software program suffered a massive coronary. At first, I refused to believe it, as if ignorning the problem would make it reverse itself. I rebooted and gently clicked all the right buttons. Ack! My mind screamed in frustration, yet I resisted the urge to kill Laptop…


Grow 'Til You Go

An Example of Living Well When was the last time you read something that impacted the way you perceived life? Earlier today, I read "grow ’til you go" as the part of an endorsement on the outside back cover of a book. I can’t remember the book or the author, but I do remember that…


The Whole Hog Business Blog

Going “whole hog” means devoting yourself entirely and completely to something. As Indies, if we’re not going whole hog in business, we’re pretty much not going anywhere, right? And if a blog is added to the mix, the only way to make it worth our time is to go whole hog with that too. Easier…


What They Know For Sure

Forbes Magazine recently asked 20 rich business people — I’ll call them "Richies" — a series of questions. One of them was, "What was the hardest lesson you ever learned?" I thought the answers were insighful.            1. Don’t Lose Focus. One Richie said that losing focus caused him to go bankrupt.…


Peek-A-Boo, Who The Heck Are You?

As the leader of the 600+ member Indie Beauty Network, I work directly or indirectly with hundreds of companies to help them maximize their potential in life and in business. For most, both life and business center in large part around the Internet. We shop there, we sell there, we network there, we learn new…


Beauty And The Blog

All Indie businesses are special, but face it, these days, anyone with a credit card and time on their hands can launch a competing business in no time flat. Suddenly, your golden egg looks like just like the one at a website that launches the next day. What’s an Indie to do?        …


Eat What You Kill

Kill It, Drag It Home and Eat It I once worked for a man named Randall Robertson. One day, we talked about how we could contribute years of blood, sweat and tears at a company and get nothing out of it but a pay check. Having been told all my young life that a pay…


Vault Episode #79: Dawn Fitch [Podcast]

The Vault is an archive of my first podcasts so there is a record for you to enjoy. Welcome to the Vault Episode 79 featuring my interview with Dawn Fitch. As the founder and president of Pooka Pure and Simple, a handmade bath and body company, Dawn’s success story is truly exceptional. In this episode, she…


Fear Of Flying? Get Over It!!

People are afraid of different things. In the end, sadly yet all too frequently, they are afraid of success. Afraid that their business will succeed beyond their wildest dreams and propel them skyward. They have a fear of flying. OOOPS!! PICTURE INTENTIONALLY DELETED How do you get over a fear of flying? By flying of…


What Really Happens Behind Closed Doors?

More and more these days, there’s a business happening behind those doors. According to "Home Offices On The Internet," a study by International Data Group, nearly a third of US households includes an income-generating or corporate home office. If that’s true, you have a world of valuable, low-cost networking opportunities right outside your front door.…


Eye Spy With My Little Eye

If You Have A Talent, You Have A Business Rebecca Picard loves playing "Eye Spy With My Little Eye" with her 6-year old son. But when she aims her Nikon D2X at a subject from her Brattleboro, Vermont, home and photography studio, it’s more than just child’s play.            Like so many…


Keep More Of What You Make

A friend told me that she if she doesn’t pay her mortgage by the 16th of the month, a late fee is charged. Last week, she was running a little late and was not ready to mail her check until the 15th. So she called the mortgage company and asked if she could pay by…


Everyone’s A Winner

I watched a little Joel Osteen last night. His message encouraged people to take time after work to adjust their attitudes so they did not bring workday stress into the home. Good advice. The problem is that for most people, the distinction between work and home is blurry at best.             …
