Kelli Parisian, Owner, Parisian's Pure Indulgence

Self-Care for Women Entrepreneurs: My Interview with Kelli Parisian

Indie Business Network members are amazing. While I have met dozens of them in person, I’m connected to many hundreds virtually. They all stand out for different reasons, and this week’s featured member is no exception. I’m excited to introduce you to Kelli Parisian, founder of Parisian’s Pure Indulgence in Woodland Hills, California, outside Los…



Top 10 User-Friendly Links to FDA Cosmetics Laws

Earlier this month, the US Food & Drug Administration updated its website to add several useful overviews and Fact Sheets to help you properly launch, lead, and grow your handmade cosmetics business. While these updates do not change the law, they specifically publicly recognize, for the first time as far as I know, the existence…


michelle gilbert of sarva soap

Gorgeous Handmade Soap From Sarva Soap Co.

One of the best ways to be inspired to pursue your passion in business is to learn from others who have dones so. That’s why we love to spotlight our members here at the blog. Today, you’ll meet Michelle Gilbert, founder of Sarva Soap Co. in Cleveland, Ohio. At Sarva Soap Co., Michelle makes handmade…


Announcing #MakerMonday!

Iam excited to announce #MakerMonday, a new way for the world to experience the local and handmade products from members of the Indie Business Network. For those who don’t know, our members hail from all 50 states and Canada (and a few other countries), and#MakerMonday is our newest fun way to help them spread the…


holly beatie of high octave healing

Rest in Peace: Holly Beatie of High Octave Healing

I am saddened to report the passing of one of IBN’s members, Holly Beatie of High Octave Healing in Truckee, California. Holly had been a member of IBN since April 2009, making herbal products to help people live better lives. Holly’s products were sold online and at local artisan markets near her home near Lake…


#IBP009: Paula Deen on Success and Women in Business [Podcast]

This is one of the preliminary episodes of the newly re-launched Indie Business Podcast. To stream or download more recent episodes of the podcast at this blog, click here or you can download it on iTunes. Thank you for visiting! I hosted my first online radio show on September 21, 2005, before social media took…


business success tips from brenda hunter of ct river candles

Featured Indie: Brenda Hunter of CT River Candles

One of the best ways to achieve business success on your terms is to learn from people who have achieved it on theirs. That’s why we love to spotlight our members here at the blog. Today, you’ll meet Brenda Hunter, founder of CT River Candles in Haddam, Connecticut. At CT River Candles, Brenda makes handmade…


Announcing Connection Day: Charlotte!

Connection Day Atlanta was so incredible that we had to do it again! As you know, Connection Day will be hosted in multiple cities in 2014. We kicked things of in Atlanta last month. Our next Connection Day is set for Friday, April 24, 2014, at the newly opened Indie Business Studio in South Charlotte,…


#IBP008: How Your Artisan Business Can Become a Non-Profit Powerhouse [Podcast]

This is one of the preliminary episodes of the newly re-launched Indie Business Podcast. To stream or download more recent episodes of the podcast at this blog, click here or you can download it on iTunes. Thank you for visiting! How do you transform a small Texas soapmaking venture into a non-profit powerhouse that changes…


Vault Episode #236: Amanda Gail [Podcast]

The Vault is an archive of my first podcasts so there is a record for you to enjoy. Welcome to the Vault Episode 236 featuring my interview with Amanda Gail.  Stream Vault Episode 236 Click the play arrow to play the podcast. (You may have to click it twice.) On a laptop or desktop, use your…
